Book Club

Book Therapy
The Go Home book club (code named Book Therapy) brings interested and interesting people together to discuss a carefully curated selection of books. 
Meetings take place on the main dock from 11: 00 until 12 ish on alternating Sundays during the summer months. 
Book Therapy is a great way to meet new people and connect with those you already know. Meetings are informal and everyone is welcome- even if you haven’t read the book!

To join our Book Therapy group email Deb Price at You can also be added to our What’s App. group. Watch for information on the Mad Club Facebook page. 

Here’s What’s Been Said of the Go Home Book Club
* A bunch of book crazed people coming by boat in a thoroughly inhospitable environment* Ernest Hemingway 
* They tried to form a gang but it turned into a book club* Stephen King
*What happens at book club stays at book club* Rick Mercer