Hub Committee

Scope of Work / Charter

Distinct Topics / Work Packages

Below we’ve laid out what we consider to be four distinct ‘workstreams’ that we may want to tackle, given the discussion to date. While there is dependency between some of these topics, they can be largely run separately with collaboration at appropriate points

  1. Strategic planning: 
    1. Articulating the goals & ambition for the community – what we want to do, and how we will achieve it (further outlined below)
    1. Assessment of external factors impacting the cottage community (e.g., work / family trends)
    1. Summary of internal factors in the community (e.g., loss of common meeting grounds / spaces)
  2. ‘Customer’ segments & values: 
    1. Assessment of the different profiles of cottagers, what matters most to them, and how they can be engaged in the community
    1. Articulation of differentiating factors 
  3. Activities & facilities: 
    1. Assessment of the types of services and activities that we want to run / support as a community
    1. Align to customer segments/channels
    1. Determine the facilities that are needed to support these activities
  4. Communication & engagement: 
    1. Assessment of existing communication tools and methods, and recommendations for future communication & engagement tools
    1. Identify ‘channels’ for engagement for the various cottager profiles (in person, online, etc.) and align to segments
    1. Consider pilot of membership management system (e.g., Wild Apricot)
    1. Outline of implementation plan (priority initiatives) for the short-, medium-, and long-term (“Crawl/Walk/Run”)

Strategic Planning Data Gathering & Process


Go Home Bay “HUB” Committee Members – July 2024