GBA Update

Georgian Bay Association

Your Voice on the Bay

GBA eUpdate

July eUpdate

Sumach in snow

In this edition:

  1. A UNESCO Geopark designation in Georgian Bay?
  2. There’s still time to email your MP about the capital gains tax changes
  3. TC Energy’s internal “playbook” video leaked
  4. What Transport Canada heard from you on VORRs and long-term anchoring
  5. Township of the Archipelago announces public consultations for Site Alteration and Tree Preservation Bylaws
  6. The summer edition of UPDATE is now online
  7. Could Our Lakes Benefit from an Annual Checkup?
  8. Don’t Miss the Premiere of All Too Clear: Beneath the Surface of the Great Lakes
  9. Are you the Georgian Bay Land Trust’s next Executive Director?
  10. Reminder – New Rules About Dogs Crossing the US Border Take Effect August 1
  11. Water Levels Report
Desmasdons Boatworks
Bay photo

A UNESCO Geopark Designation in Georgian Bay?

The Georgian Bay Geopark Network is working to create a UNESCO Global Geopark that will highlight the Bay’s geological, historical, and cultural significance. They have launched a short survey where you can share your views regarding the environment, tourism, and how you and your family use the Bay throughout the year.

Take the survey


There’s Still Time to Email Your MP About the Capital Gains Tax Changes

Changes to the capital gains tax took effect on June 25. The proportion of taxable capital gains will increase from one-half to two-thirds on net capital gains exceeding $250,000 per year for individuals and on all net gains realized by corporations and most trusts.

Draft legislation is expected in late July, so there is still time to email your MP to illustrate how this change will affect those outside the one per cent, including your family and many others who have dedicated their lives to maintaining family cottages in Georgian Bay.

Send your email

A&A Services & Marine Contracting Limited
Meaford harbour at sunset

TC Energy Internal “Playbook” Video Leaked

Two internal TC Energy (TCE) videos made international news recently. These “Lunch and Learn” sessions set out strategies for obtaining validation for their projects from local Indigenous groups and support from local municipalities, which are relevant to the proposed pumped storage facility they hope to build in Meaford.

Read more

wake surfing

What Transport Canada Heard From You on VORRs and Long-term Anchoring

Last fall, Transport Canada opened its Let’s Talk Transportation portal to solicit your opinions on VORRs and long-term anchoring. The results are in. See what was said.

Read the reports

BrokerLink Insurance
Pine trees on an island

ToA Announces Public Consultation for Site Alteration and Tree Preservation By-laws

The Township of the Archipelago (ToA) has announced two opportunities for the public to comment on their proposed revised Site Alteration and Tree Preservation By-laws. ToA listened to residents’ concerns on the previous drafts and has amended these new proposed bylaws for this second round of public consultations.

Get the details


The Summer Edition of UPDATE Is Now Online

Did you miss the latest print edition of GBA UPDATE?

Read the summer edition

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